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My Life (in a nutshell)

I was raised in Denver, Colorado, the tenth of eleven children. My family spent a great deal of time in the mountains, where exploring with my brothers and sisters nurtured an innate love for adventure and an appreciation for the natural world. I also loved music, and before graduating from high school I found myself exploring the states as a trumpet player in a swing band. Soon after, I hitch-hiked to the vast frontier of Alaska.

After attending St. John's College in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Annapolis, Maryland, I traveled to Finland to live on a farm and hitch-hike through Scandanavia. I continued to travel - through over 30 countries in the western hemisphere - as a musician in the U.S. Navy. I have since worked in a natural food store, as a corrections officer, a massage therapist, a carpenter and construction supervisor, experiences which have all served to deepen my self-understanding and perspective on the human condition.

The synthesis of my experiences came after marrying artist Cris Arbo, when I took up writing. Inspired by raising children, our first collaboration was 'The Dandelion Seed' in 1997; two years later 'In A Nutshell' was published. Cris' artwork blends fantasy and realism with intense detail, a combination that works perfectly with my text.

A sequel to 'The Dandelion Seed', entitled 'The Dandelion Seed's Big Dream' was published in 2014. It not only follows the seed's heroic journey but hints at humanity's growing awareness of our role as environmental stewards.

My young adult novel, 'Innerworld' (Bonneville Books, 2002), is about a girl whose desire to change the world sends her on an earth-shattering journey within.


For a tiny bit more biographical information, Cris and I can be found in the library reference source, 'Something About The Author' vol.103, published by The Gale Research Group.

What the future holds:

A children's book about the ins and outs of being a breath.

A cartoon-style series for all ages about what it means to be human, starring any number of anthropomorphous objects.